Smoke Detectors Save Lives
Smoke detectors save lives, but only if they are properly installed and functioning. Most fire fatalities happen in homes without working smoke detectors.
It is recommended that you install at least one smoke detector on every level of your home, including the basement. Even better is one in every bedroom. Smoke detectors are designed to wake you up if a fire starts while you are sleeping. Be sure your smoke alarms are near bedrooms and other sleeping areas in your home.
When was the last time you heard your smoke alarm? Battery-operated alarms should be tested once a month to make certain they are working.
Replace the batteries in your smoke detectors twice a year. It is recommended that you do this when we change your clocks to Daylight Savings Time.
Replace your smoke detector every ten years. After ten years, your smoke detector will have been working consecutively for 87,000 hours. No other appliance in your home works this long. If you do not know how old your smoke detector is, or if it is ten years or older, replace it as soon as possible.