Understanding Firefighter Pensions |
The Truth About Firefighter Retirement Benefits
Firefighters retire earlier, and earn a higher percentage of their salary in retirement than most other professions. There are many factors that contribute to this enhanced retirement benefit. Here are some facts that tend to be "overlooked" in reports on firefighter retirements, salaries and benefits:
Smoke Detectors Save Lives |
Smoke detectors save lives, but only if they are properly installed and functioning. Most fire fatalities happen in homes without working smoke detectors.
It is recommended that you install at least one smoke detector on every level of your home, including the basement. Even better is one in every bedroom.
Carbon Monoxide Saftey Tips |
Carbon monoxide is commonly known as “the silent killer.” Because it is colorless odorless, and tasteless, none of your senses can detect it. CO claims the lives of nearly 300 people in their homes each year according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Exit Drills In The Home (E.D.I.T.H) |
Fire is hot, dark, and fast moving. It’s not light nor is it an environment that is cool enough to enter without protective gear, as is portrayed on television and in movies. E.D.I.T.H is the fire department’s program to teach you and your family how to escape a fire in your home.
Move To The Right For Sirens And Lights |
We all share the responsibility of knowing and practicing proper driving behaviors. One of the most important "rules of the road" deals with yielding the right of way to emergency vehicles.
Each day, emergency vehicles respond to urgent requests from the public. The call may be for a person that has stopped breathing, a fire alarm, or a car accident.
Page Last Updated: Dec 06, 2011 (11:27:00)